Monday, December 15, 2014

Day 11 - 199.5 lbs!

Weighed myself this morning and did my happy dance naked in the bathroom.  For the first time in maybe 5 years, the scale numbers started with a 1.  I was even preening in front of the mirror a bit, too.  It's been a helluva long time since I smiled at what I saw in the mirror.

This morning's breakfast was my usual awesome green juice:

1 1/2 - 2 cups chopped kale
2-3 sprigs of mint
1/2 lemon
1 lime
1/3 cucumber
1 apple
Piece of ginger

It tastes like a healthy mojito.  Even my daughter liked it, although she said she'd prefer some alcohol in it.  Of course.

This kicked me right in the ass this morning and I was ready to take on the world.  I have been feeling really good so far, with a few short intervals of suck.  But by noon, my ass was dragging.  The calories had worn off and my blood sugar dropped, leaving me feeling sleepy and with low energy.

I ate a pomegranate for lunch.  And by "ate", I mean I munched the pims, drank the juice, and spit out the pulp and seeds.  It was delicious.  And I got to actually chew something.

I grabbed a coffee and bagel for Jod on the way home for a snack, and a pumpkin spice tea at Timmies.  By the way, pumpkin spice tea tastes like shit.  I should have probably known, spices or no, squash-flavoured tea would probably be gross.

Anyway, got home and made something a little different.  Not sure if I'll try it again as it didn't seem to settle very well.  But for anyone who doesn't care if no one will come within 10 feet of you for the garlic smell, here's the recipe:

1 tomato
1 celery stalk
1 large carrot
1/3 large sweet potato, peeled
1/2 sweet red pepper
1 cup chopped kale (approx. 2 leaves?)
2 sprigs dill
2 sprigs basil
1 lemon
1 small clove fresh garlic

I think the secret to making really good-tasting V-8-type juice is the lemon.  It gives everything some zip and seems to ground the flavour.  Gives it body.  This juice has a very potent taste, but it's not unpleasant.  I'm not a huge veggie fan, so if you like V-8, you might like this.

I hope tomorrow brings more lost pounds.  I'm not holding my breath, however; I haven't been drinking near enough water.  I guess I should remedy that and get my butt to bed.

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